Bellway Strategic Land, working together with Bellway’s Northern Home Counites division, is set to apply to West Northamptonshire Council in the next few weeks for detailed planning permission for the scheme. It has set up the consultation event in advance, so people can find out more about it and give their feedback on the plan before it is submitted.
The site where Bellway wants to build the homes is east of the A5123 and south of Ladybridge Drive. It is allocated for 224 residential development properties under the Northampton Area Part 2 Local Plan.
Matt Smith, Senior Strategic Land and Planning Manager (Central), said: “We are looking forward to showing our proposals to people in the area and finding out what they think about them before we move forward with our application.
“There’s real demand for family housing in the area, which we believe this scheme will help to meet, as well as creating a place that will be a pleasure to live in. It will be spacious, modern and well thought through, with plenty of open space throughout. We think homebuyers in the area will find it very attractive.
“We have taken time and care in designing a development which reflects the constraints presented by the site, and this has meant that we will be building significantly fewer homes than this land was originally allocated for.
“Our development team will be at the public exhibition to talk through the proposals and listen to comments and feedback from those who attend. There will be information boards to give people a clear idea of what we want to achieve.”
The development, which would be accessed from Ladybridge Drive, would feature a range of house styles and sizes, including 2, 3, 4 and 5-bedroom homes, alongside landscaping and informal open space. A portion of the homes would be provided as affordable housing for local people, available through affordable rent or shared ownership.
The public exhibition will take place on Monday 7th October from 2pm to 7pm, at Camp Hill Community Centre, Dayrell Road, Hunsbury.
Bellway plans to apply to West Northamptonshire Council for full planning permission in late October and, subject to planning permission being granted, would hope to start work on the scheme in late 2025.