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Rushden, Northamptonshire

Allocation secured for up to 450 dwellings and a retail, community and/or health facility in winter 2023, following the receipt of a Resolution to Grant outline planning permission in autumn 2023.

Bellway Strategic Land entered into a Hybrid Promotional Agreement with the landowner in summer 2020 and immediately began promoting the land through the East Northamptonshire Part 2 Local Plan. Phase 1 of the site, comprising up to 450 dwellings, secured a draft allocation in the Local Plan within six months with the site forming a key part of the Council’s development strategy.

Alongside the delivery of up to 450 dwellings, 30% of which will be affordable, the scheme will also provide a new retail, community and/or health facility alongside substantial areas of open space, which includes Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace provision to mitigate the site’s impact on the nearby Nene Valley Special Area of Conservation.

Working positively with the Town Council throughout, an outline planning application was submitted in summer 2022 in advance of the Part 2 Local Plan Examination. The site’s formal allocation was confirmed in winter 2023 with the adoption of the Part 2 Local Plan by the Council; however, Bellway Strategic Land successfully secured a Resolution to Grant planning permission for the site before this in autumn 2023. The formal outline planning permission is expected to be issued in 2024.

This is an example of Bellway Strategic Land’s ability to work positively with local stakeholders and bring forward development proposals quickly, responding to the changing planning policy context.

Phase 2 of the site, which could provide for a further 1,000 dwellings and a range of community benefits, is being promoted through the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Review.

At a glance

Up to 450

New homes

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