The site was formally released from the Green Belt and allocated for housing in the Coventry Local Plan (adopted December 2017), where the site was promoted as a key part of the Keresley Sustainable Urban Extension.
The majority of the site was originally identified for open space in an early draft, but, through positive engagement and the preparation of a detailed evidence base and masterplan, Bellway were able to show how a higher quantum of development could be delivered whilst achieving the sustainability objectives of the Council and retaining key open-space principles at the heart of the development.
An outline planning application supported by Environmental Impact Assessment was prepared and submitted in January 2019. The application dealt with a number of sensitive environmental and technical matters, including ancient woodland offsetting, and a comprehensive package of highways mitigation measures to help deliver a link road, motorway junction improvements, and other local infrastructure requirements to improve local issues identified by Highways England, the County Council and the City Council.
A resolution to grant planning permission was achieved at Planning Committee in March 2021, with outline planning permission being granted in February 2022.

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